
Attention marketers & business managers! Now you can get fast results from LinkedIn advertising in this new, groundbreaking course from a veteran marketing executive with a top-tier MBA.

By the end of this course, you will know how to...

Generate free trial signups, demo requests, and consultation requests for under $30!

Generate leads quickly & cheaply with a few small tweaks

Correct the most common LinkedIn advertising mistakes (easy fixes most people miss)

Scrape LinkedIn for emails that can be used on other platforms (hint: this is super cheap)

Nurture leads (with marketing automation)

Develop a video that sells

Develop copywriting that sells

Product high-performing LinkedIn ads

Develop a high-level advertising strategy (and nitty gritty tactics)

Use LinkedIn advertising to improve other social media marketing channels

Use LinkedIn advertising analytics

Bid properly to minimize expenditures

BONUS: this course includes the 2021 LinkedIn Advertising Tip Sheet PDF

Learn from a veteran marketing guru with 11 years experience working for tiny startups all the way to up to the Fortune 100. Your instructor has an MBA from the #1 ranked school in the USA for marketing. He presents some of his most effective LinkedIn ads in this groundbreaking course for 2021.

See some of my most effective ads so you can replicate them!

LinkedIn video ads

Linkedin image ads

LinkedIn text ads

LinkedIn carousel ads

LinkedIn message ads
