Learn and master French

You will understand and master the french. I assure you that!!! ;-)

If you have always wanted to learn and master French this course is for you.

You don't need to have a lot of computer skills to get started, we'll see step by step how to get there.

This course is for all people with no knowledge of the French language, for beginners, amateurs and even for professionals for the enrichment of their knowledge.

Indeed, this course is designed in such a way as to make you know and really easily understand French

--- In a nutshell---

This course is for: Anyone who wants to master French.

Final goal for you: At the end of the course, you will be able to know all the basics to better begin learning the French language. you will be able to speak and know a few words in French

This course will cover:

- Alphabet

- Vowels

- Consonnants

- Personal pronouns subject

- Personal pronouns complements

- Possessive pronouns

- Demonstrative pronouns

- Relative Pronouns

- Auxiliarie To be : How it’s used to, conjugation

- Auxiliarie To Have : How it’s used to, conjugation

- Affirmative Sentence

- Negative sentence

- Interrogative Sentence

- Days of week

- Months of year

- Holidays of year

- Numbers : Count from 0 to100

- Family

- Greeting

- Introduction to conversation

- Body Parts

Mastering Microsoft in France is not complicated at all. If you take this course well, you're going to be able to get by.

So what are you waiting for?

I invite you to start this training today!!

Who this course is for:

  • All people who want to master the French. All people who want to master the French. Know all the basics in French
  • Toutes personnes voulant maitriser les le Français. connaitre toutes les notions de bases en Français
