
This is an academic approach for the circuit theory course

we would be making new topics and adding lectures as we go per student recommendation on quarterly base.


Circuit Theory is the most fundamental course in electrical engineering. what is covered In this course is a complete introduction to what electric circuits are, from the simplest one of the to some of the most complex circuits, introducing the most basic circuit elements and how their behavior is, what the governing rules in electric circuits are, how they can be analyzed, and after being familiar with the fundamentals about electric circuits, the student will be exposed to the analysis of electric circuits under sinusoidal inputs and sources. Tenex course on electrical circuits, is electrical circuits 2, Which deeply illustrates the circuit topology, will cover an introduction to transformers, and it’s main focus in general is analyzing circuits infrequency domain.Requirements:A rather firm understanding about basic physics, being familiar with differential equations, being familiar with complex numbers. Target audience: Most engineering major students, including Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical, computer and Material engineering major students. Students of physics. Young engineers who want to cement their knowledge about electriccircuits.Basically everyone looking to be familiar with analyzing electric circuits

Topics which will be discussed in this course is the academic aspect of Electrical Engineering Circuit Theory and we will be going over what you learn at the early years of Electrical Engineering Undergraduate at any school on Circuit Analysis through concentrating mainly on examples rather than long lectures.

We would be teaching briefly the below topics and then would be solving as much as examples and problems possible on each topic to make sure you are an expert in the topic

Current and Charge

Ohm's law

Nodes, Branches and loops

Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL)

Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)

Series resistors and voltage division

Parallel resistors and current division

Equivalent resistance- current and voltage division examples

wye-delta transformations

wye-delta transformations examples

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