English Grammar tenses, structures & usage is taught by me, Inayat, with more than 10 years of teaching experience. You will learn English language tenses, structures (formulas) & usage to upgrade your English speaking, listening and writing skills.
This course includes:
Verbs ( Verb forms + Helping verbs + Regular & Irregular verbs) + Examples
English Tenses + Usage + Formulas (Structures) + Examples + Negative Sentences + Question Sentences + Contraction + The 6 Most Used Tenses + Quizzes
Present Simple + Usage + Formula + Examples
Present Progressive (Continuous) + Usage + Formula + Examples
Present Perfect + Usage + Formula + Examples
Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous) + Usage + Formula + Examples
Past Simple + Usage + Formula + Examples
Past Continuous + Usage + Formula + Examples
Past Perfect + Usage + Formula + Examples
Past Perfect Progressive (Continuous) + Usage + Formula + Examples
Future Simple + Usage + Formula + Examples
Future Progressive (Continuous) + Usage + Formula + Examples
Future Perfect + Usage + Formula + Examples
Future Perfect Progressive (Continuous) + Usage + Formula + Examples
At the end of the course, you will not only speak and write English more confidently but it will also upgrade your listening skills.
You will gain confidence in your ability to express yourself in English language clearly and accurately. You will also
know when and how to use the verb tenses in English language.
The simplicity and visuals of the course will help you remember the topics. You will also find quizzes to practice the topics you learned.This course can be taken by all level learners.
Anybody with the basic English language knowledge can join the course.
Feel free to look at the course description and sample lectures and I am looking forward to see you inside the course. All the best and thank you.
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