MAX KARL ERNST LUDWIG PLACK was born in Kiel, Germany, on April 23, 1858, the son of Julius Wilhelm and Emma planck. His father was Professor of Constitutional Law in the University of Kiel, and later om Gottingen.
Planck studied at the Universities of Munich and Berlin, where his teachers included Kirchoff and Helmhotlz, and received his doctorate of philosophy at Munich in 1879. He was Privatdozent in Munich from 1800 to 1885, then Associate Professor of Theoritical Physics at Kiel until 1889, in which year he succeeded Kirchoff as Professor at Berlin University, where he remained until his retirement in 1926. Afterwards he became President of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Promotion of Science, a post he held until 1937. The Prussian Academy of Sciences appointed him a member in 1894 and Permanent Secretary in 1912.

Planck’s work in physics
 1) planck constant
  2) planck postulate
                       3) planck’s law of black body radiation
Notable awards
            1)nobel prize in physics in 1918
  2) Lorentz medal in 1927
3) Copley medal in 1929
     4) max planck medal in 1929
5) Goethe prize in 1945
Died in 4 october 1947 in the age 89 at gottinggen, lower Saxony, Germany.

Nobel prize
